Monday, February 8, 2010

Tring to do Something!!!

Man today started out okay then there was no coffee....I know sounds silly but it is my thing I love my coffee in the morning. So, now my whole day has been a complete bum meaning that I dont want to do a dam thing but I have so much to do today!! So why am I feeling this way..I don't know.? Well anyway I think I need a tan and a execrise machine b/c here lately I have been puting on the pounds food just loves me!!! My body is show it too so a tan would make me feel good and want to workout so I won back my body and food still loves me!!! Sometimes I just hate the fact that food is good but it only last so long then it is is like alot of things in life but we deal with it Oh well. Move along man I have a lot to complain about today well better get to work on so homework thanks for the chat I feel better believe it or not I think sometimes it just helps to get it out on the table then we can move on c-ya later Thanks for listening

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Back to my Blog!!

Missed blogging just feels like I haven't had time lots of great and exciting this going on in my life right now. Now that I am without a job which is by choice I will try to make time. Love the idea that I can write all my thoughts and feeling down then view them when I want. My daughter won her first game last nite very happy for her I think that is what her team needed to know what it feels like to win maybe now they will try harder to pull out a victory. Very excited about the superbowl sunday 1 because I get to go shopping for all kinds of food, 2 I look up new a different recipes, 3 I cook after the day awesome food then last but not least I get to eat all this great food which is my favorite. Had a dream last nie that I had my own radio show man it seem like my life come towards me I hope my dreams do come true in this case it would be great. Last week we toured a couple of radio stations and I could picture myself in there workin I think that is a good thing!! I do have to say that I am excited to see what life has in store for me school is going great easier then I thought or maybe I am smarter than I thought HAHA!!! Hoping maybe after this weekend I could shed some pounds maybe get a routine of workout going why does that seem so hard to find time to workout maybe b/c u can always find something to dau LOL!!! Like blog or homework anyways I am starting a workout getting a workout machine to go in front of my TV that way I can workout and watch my shows smart again love it.... Well better get off got lots to do see ya morrow....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Back to school!!

Yesterday was good I thought maybe four classes and a workshop would be to much, but I think I can handle Oh yes I am that good Ha Ha!!! Just kidding around it is going to take alot of hard work nothing I haven't had to do before just in a different form of something. It's funny how life's troubles make you stronger and kind of in a way transforms you in to this person you didn't know that you had in yourself.. Then all at one time this person comes out through the hard times and just takes care of business. So my big self is ready to move on to bigger and better things I think I might be a little impatient about wanting to start my career in the field that I know I will love. I keep telling myself that all go things come to thoses who wait like my husband said your going to have to work for it and it will pay off in the end. So here I am doing the work and waitinh but still can't wait I'm just excited about my new life that is waiting for me right around the corner the more I read about the field I am going into the more excited I get. I did meet someone yesterday that has worked for ABC for a while and he gave me some advice that I will take with me keep your options open don't make a definte decision until you have too b/c there is so much that you can choose from. Good advice so I will wait and just check it out well better get to work today have alot of homework or should I say reading man how I love to read LOL see ya later!! AKA TMK

Monday, January 11, 2010

Missing This!!

Man this weekend has flew by I worked it all away. Gosh I feel like I was living at the Texas Roadhouse for the weekend! Started friday nite then back all day saturday for a lovely double then again on sunday morning my kids were wondering if I still lived here! So sorry about not being here but just haven't found the time to blog with you. So starting to workout this morning and I feel alot better wonder why I don't do it all the time. I guess I make excuses and try to find more important things to do like watch my shows LOL! I love watchin the View they are so good about speaking the truth I like that I think I would love to be on a show that we could talk about all the issues in the world and have people who actually listening. So, came home yesterday from work and my husband had the whole entire house like I would clean it which has become a normal thing for him and I'am not sure what I did to cause this, but I love it. Then he made dinner for us which was a recipe that he got off Drive-in, Diners and Drives. The food was good he also made me breakfat that morning before work that was another cool recipe he got off the show it was a bluberry pancake with a egg cooked in the middle! Pretty good but I am not a big fan of pancakes b/c my mom made them everyday for my brother when we were growing up. Anyways, our family just loves cooking shows could watch them everyday Tyler my nine year old loves to cook like his papaw always wanting to try new recipes. Start back to school tomorrow pretty stoked about it sounds lame, but I am have been like a sponge lately wanting to learn and know all about everything I have never been this way, but I like it feels good. Maybe this means I am getting smarter LOL! Oh well I can have a dream till tomorrow AKA TMK

Friday, January 8, 2010

Another Snow Day

A couple more days and I will be back in school can't wait. When I first started I didn't think I would like it that much but now I miss the challenge. I just signed up for a fifth class b/c I got an email about classes that were for broadcasting and I called and signed up. The one I signed up for is working for the local Radio and TV Stations Can't Wait!!! I'am ready to learn about all I can. I learned that you you can get a Broadcasting Certif. how cool is that! I had no idea that they even offer them where I am going so I'am definetly going to get one I don't know if it will help me get a job be it will still be a learning experience. Have to work tonite not really looking forward to it I don't know why? I just don't enjoy being a server like I use to. I loved it at one point, but now I feel like that it is a waste of time maybe it is b/c I'am getting older and want more from life!!! I want to learn more and more everyday I find myself even wanting to read books just b/c I am curious of what is inside sounds really silly but I have never been that way ever so why now? Well better get off here and get ready for work the ride is going to be interesting b/c the weather as been bad here. So I need to leave with enough time to get there. See you tomorrow blog friend hahaha Not!!! AKA TMK

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Kids home from school!!!

I seriously need help we are having a snow day and my kids are home and already drivin me alittle crazy b/c they are fighting over the Wii. Neither one of them wants to play with each other b/c they are so competitive and don't want to lose to each other. I think that is great but it can be alittle much so times b/c no one wants to lose and if they did it doesn't go over well!!! Now I have one of my boys demanding fresh pancakes won't eat anything else man I have some picky kids. Anyways I have started reading my first book in like forever it was a christmas gift to my daughter and since she is still reading Breaking Dawn I thought I would give a try b/c I wanted to start reading more in my free time Ha ha! That funny b/c I have four kids go to school fulltime and work part time man life can be challenging some times. So back to the book I as telling you about it is Lovely Bones it is getting ready to come out in the movies. So I have got about a quarter into the book and after I red the begining I had nightmares b/c of the little girl getting killed then I wondered should I let my daughter read this book? I not sure she is only thirteen maybe it will scare her or it could make her more aware who should answer these questions? Maybe if I talk to her about it kind of give a warning that would make it better..Well better get off here and spend sometime with my kids and make fresh pancakes see you tomorrow I so look forward to writing down my thoughts everyday this is almost like a dairy.... Type Later AKA TMK

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Realized that sleepin IN wasn't worth it!

Been on this break from school for a while and have become pretty lazy it is time to get back in the swing of things. I sent the kids off to school and then I look around and say what to do now.... Clean man I clean all the time it seems like it is a never ending job! So I watched some TV instead and it seems like they are talking about the same thing over and over. Like Tiger Woods I feel like I know him better then I know myself HAHA Just kidding! Just goes to show you that people love to gossip or at least love to heard about it I find myself being concerned too. Then I think okay Taunya you need to get a life then I think man I could do this as a job b/c I would to get paid to gossip who wouldn't love I decided to come and share my thoughts of day which is very entertaining when I am the only one that knows about this Oh Well I am here to stay! We are suppose to be getting some snow tonight and I am looking forward to it I love the way it looks outside when it is all white and beautiful. My kids look forward to it so they can be out of school what kid doesn't I know that I prayed for snow some days when I didn't want to go to school, but that was going to happen b/c I grew up in Charleston, SC not really snow country, but I was a kid and I could hope right! Well that is all for today so I will see u tomorrow!! AKA TMK

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Getting to know me and why I am here!!

Starting out this year with something new. My quest to discover the key to being a successful person. I am 28 and u think that I would have it all figured out NOT! Last year was a whirl wind for me just decided that I wanted a great career that I could be proud of so to get there I had to go back to school which at this age is hard b/c you don't know shit hahaha!! At least that is the way I felt it isn't easy but, guess what after 11 years of tring to aviod school I got my GED and enrolled in college! I know what you are thinking b/c I was thinking the same thing? What in the Hell am I going to do? I thought for a while about it and in the mist of all that thinking I was working as a custodian at a college haha!! I know not a great job but this job was a good thing b/c it inspired me to want to be a better person. This might sound a little stupid but it was a radio show that I listen to on my phone everyday at work while I was cleaning just to help the time go by. So I heard that they were looking for a co-host fill in for a day and all u have to do is write in why they should pick u and I did. Then one morning they called me and Hello I got picked it was great, so I got on the show for a day and I just loved it. It was a blast so from there on my dream grew I wanted my own show on the radio too HAHA. So long story short I am going to school for a broadcasting degree I would like radio, TV, or even a small article in a paper just to get my voice out there not to be in the spot light but to help or inspire people the way they might need it!! So here I am blogging just for fun and hopeful it will encourage someone out there or maybe just provide them with a great read lol!! Stay tune I will be here for a while just talking about life and different things that I have gone through or are experiencing at the time!! Be back tomorrow hope u come back........ AKA TMK