Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Getting to know me and why I am here!!

Starting out this year with something new. My quest to discover the key to being a successful person. I am 28 and u think that I would have it all figured out NOT! Last year was a whirl wind for me just decided that I wanted a great career that I could be proud of so to get there I had to go back to school which at this age is hard b/c you don't know shit hahaha!! At least that is the way I felt it isn't easy but, guess what after 11 years of tring to aviod school I got my GED and enrolled in college! I know what you are thinking b/c I was thinking the same thing? What in the Hell am I going to do? I thought for a while about it and in the mist of all that thinking I was working as a custodian at a college haha!! I know not a great job but this job was a good thing b/c it inspired me to want to be a better person. This might sound a little stupid but it was a radio show that I listen to on my phone everyday at work while I was cleaning just to help the time go by. So I heard that they were looking for a co-host fill in for a day and all u have to do is write in why they should pick u and I did. Then one morning they called me and Hello I got picked it was great, so I got on the show for a day and I just loved it. It was a blast so from there on my dream grew I wanted my own show on the radio too HAHA. So long story short I am going to school for a broadcasting degree I would like radio, TV, or even a small article in a paper just to get my voice out there not to be in the spot light but to help or inspire people the way they might need it!! So here I am blogging just for fun and hopeful it will encourage someone out there or maybe just provide them with a great read lol!! Stay tune I will be here for a while just talking about life and different things that I have gone through or are experiencing at the time!! Be back tomorrow hope u come back........ AKA TMK

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